1st phase Projects
These are the projects we worked on in the first phase from 2017 to 2019 of the VGIscience Priority Programme. You can find the list of projects in the second phase here.
Extraction and visually driven analysis of geography and dynamics of people's reaction to events (EVA-VGI)
Dr. Eva Hauthal, Dresden
- Prof. Dr. Ross Purves, Zürich
Prof. Dr. Stefan Wrobel, Bonn
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Burghardt, TU Dresden
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Dunkel, TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Gennady Andrienko, Bonn
Prof. Dr. Natalia Andrienko, Bonn
Cognitive Effects of Landmarks in VGI-based Maps (Landmarks VGI)
Julian Keil, Ruhr University Bochum
Lars Kuchinke, Berlin
Frank Dickmann, Bochum
Algorithmically-Guided User Interaction: Smart Crowdsourcing and the Extraction of Metadata from Old Maps (AGUI)
Dr. Thomas Christian van Dijk, Würzburg
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wolff, Würzburg
Enabling enhancement of scientific environmental data by volunteered geographic information: Extraction and visual assessment of data from social media images (ENAP)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Denzler, Jena
Prof. Dr. Doris Dransch, Potsdam
Dr. Andrea Unger, Potsdam
Dr. Bin Yang
Björn Barz M.Sc., Jena
Visual analysis of volunteered geographic information for interactive situation modeling and real-time event assessment (VA4VGI)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl, Stuttgart
Dr. Steffen Koch, Stuttgart
Dennis Thom, Stuttgart
A framework for measuring the fitness for purpose of OpenStreetMap data based on intrinsic quality indicators (QualityOSM)
Dr.-Ing. Hongchao Fan, Heidelberg
Motivation and Participation of Digital Volunteer Communities in Humanitarian Assistance: Models and Incentives for Closing the Gap to Decision Makers (DVCHA)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Fiedrich, Wuppertal
Ramian Fathi, University of Wuppertal Institute for Public Safety and Emergency Management
Lightweight Acquisition and Large-scale Mining of Trajectory Data (Trajectories)
- Stefan Funke, Stuttgart
Sabine Storandt, Konstanz
Human-Centered Relational Feature Classification for VGI (HCRFC)
Prof. Christian Freksa, Bremen
Ahmed Loai Ali, Bremen
Learning Environmental Maps - Integrating Participatory Sensing and Human Perception
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hotho
Florian Lautenschlager
Martin Becker
Guiding the Crowds: Uncertainty and Trust-Aware Visual Analytics for Mobility based on Heterogeneous Volunteered Geographic Information
Nida Cilasun
Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim, Konstanz
Dr. Alexandra Diehl
Collaborative Low-Effort Topological and Topical-Social Indoor Mapping (TOPIKOS)
Prof. Dr. Gerd Stumme, Kassel
Bastian Schäfermeier, Kassel
Context-Sensitive Qualitative Spatial Reasoning for Interpreting Vague Place Descriptions (QSR4VGI)
Prof. Dr. Diedrich Wolter, University of Bamberg
Madiha Yousaf, Bamberg
Comprehensive Conjoint GPS and Video Data Analysis for Smart Maps (COVMAP)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bodo Rosenhahn
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Ying Yang
Dr. Hanno Ackermann
Spatial Correlations in Social Media Data: Identification and Quantification of Spatial Correlation Structures in Georeferenced Twitter Feeds
(Spatial Correlations)
Dr.-Ing. Hongchao Fan, Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf, Heidelberg University, Institute of Geography, GIScience / Geoinformatics Research Group
René Westerholt M.Sc.